Your One Stop Supply Shop”
Hinge Forstner Bits
Use these Forstner bits for drilling hinge cup holes for cabinet doors. These bits can
be used on any standard drill press with a 3/8” chuck. These forstner bits are also
great for drilling holes for fence jigs (30mm and 40mm) with magnetic hold downs.
6 PC Forstner Coin Bit Set
Create unique holders for collectors or anything
you can think of when it comes to coin inlays. These
forstner bits are comprised of high speed steel for
excellent performance. Each forstner bit is clearly
marked with: penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar,
and dollar respectively. Also available is a depth stop
kit for your forstner bit coin set. This set comes with an
adjustable depth stop collar that doesn't require any
clips or pins, which makes it easy to change bits and
more importantly bit depth. The depth stop ring is ad-
justedwith a simple counter clockwise turn of the hex
wrench (included). This set includes: 1 ea. depth stop
collar, 2 depth stop locking rings, 6 coin size forstner
bits and a hex head wrench for depth stop ring ad-
Forstner Bit Extension
This forstner bit extension is suitable for round and
hex shanked bits. The extension bar will add ap-
proximately 6” onto the reach of your bit. This is
perfect for hollowing out perfect cylindrical shapes
for turning projects like salt and pepper mills. The
shank of the bit is locked securely into the exten-
sion using two grub screws and this extension will
accept all 3/8” shanked bits with a cutting diam-
eter of over 3/4”. For drill press and lathe. Not recom-
mended for use with hand drills.
Forstner bit not included
Designed for forstner bits or any style drill bit up to
21⁄8" in diameter. Includes 3 different bushings to fit on
forstner bits that have a shank diameter of 3⁄8", 7⁄16", or
9⁄16". Choose the bushing that fits your bit, slide bush-
ing in the enclosure's integral bearing, slide over the
shank of the bit to desired depth, lock in place with set
screw. Slide the second
(same size)
bushing over the top
of the stop and bushing then secure in place with the
set screw. The stop has a built in bearing, this keeps
the stop motionless while the bit spins. This allows the
stop to rest on the stock without marking the wood.
Quit replacing your “worn out” forstner bits and refurbish them with our three
piece forstner bit sharpening kit. This kit comes with three sharpening tools for
honing the different angles of a forstner bit. The large diamond hone sharpens the
inside edge and inside face of your bit. The small triangular diamond hone will al-
low you to sharpen the spurs. The third tool is a rotary ceramic bit that is designed
to be used with a drill press to hone the inner rim of the forstner bit.
This convenient set comes with 13 spade bits for drilling clean straight holes in your
stock. The extended spurs cut faster and reduce tearout. This 13 pc Spade Bit Set
also comes with a convenient mountable storage rack to keep your bits safe. The
set includes: 1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8”, 7/16”, 1/2”, 9/16”, 5/8”, 11/16”, 3/4”, 13/16”, 7/8”, 15/16”
and 1”spade drill bits.
Forstner Bit Depth Stop Kit
Forstner Bit Sharpening Kit
13 PC Spade Bit Set with Storage Rack
Add6"of cuttingdepthtoyour forstnerbits
forstner bit not included
30mm forstner bit...........................................................................................................
35mm forstner bit...........................................................................................................
40mm forstner bit...........................................................................................................
35mm forstner bit
6 piece coin forstner bit set ........................................................................................
6 piece coin forstner bit set with depth stop Kit................................................
30 mm
35 mm
40 mm
The release of the new quarter-dollar coins honoring each state in the union has
spurred great interest in collecting a complete set. The U.S. Treasury already has is-
sued numerous coins, and have minted five new quarters each year. Our map gives
you a great-looking way to display your collection. The clear acrylic slides out, al-
lowing you to easily add new coins. We've made room for two coin sets, one each
from the Philadelphia and Denver mints. Measures 32 x 22". Note: This is a paper
woodworking plan.
Commemorative Coin Showcase Plans
easy tofollowplans
Cut circles
from 1” to 5”
in diameter
on your drill
Comes with
a convenient
storage rack
Adjustable Circle Cutter
Cut perfect circles for pendants, medallions, small dish blanks and more. The Ad-
justable Circle Cutter is designed for use on a drill press. It is fully adjustable and
the circle cutter will cut flat sided holes in wood from 1” to 5”. Made of M-2 alloy
steel, this Circle Cutter features a 3/8”hex shank, 5/16”drill, center point and Allen®
wrench. The perfect after-market accessory to any drill press! Maximum 250 RPM.