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This is INCRA'S Pocket
Rule. It measures ex-
actly the same as a
standard business
card or 2" by 3.5". It of-
fers INCRA's patented
marking holes at ev-
ery 1/16th, 32nd, and 64th from 0 to 3 inches. It also
has height marking holes at every 32nd on the end.
This size is obviously the perfect size to keep in your
pocket, which is another reason why so many of our
customers give these as personal gifts.
INCRA® Pocket Rule......................................
Layout &Measurement
Marking Rule
will become your
"go to" tool
Drawexact lines ineitherdirection
Fractional Dial Caliper
Stainless steel Fractional Dial Caliper combines the
same precision that metalworkers are accustomed
to with a fractional scale for woodworkers. Perfect for
measuring board thickness, depth and inside mea-
surements. Dial reads 64ths and .01”. Four way mea-
surements: inside, outside, depth and step. Sturdy,
well-machined constructionwith coated surface to re-
sist dirt and wear. Lock knob for repeat measurements
• 4Way measuring: inside, outside, depth and step
• Hardened stainless steel
• Precision ground and micro lapped for accuracy
• Aluminum back cover
• Shock & dust proof
• Rotating bezel and lock screw for zeroing.
Adjustable Hook Rules
12" & 24"
Center Finding Rulers
Incra® Center Rule
Incra® Marking Rules
Incra® Precision Rule Sets
Incra® T - Rules
Incra® Protractor
Incra® Bend Rule
Find the center point quickly and accu-
rately with this handy steel center find-
ing ruler. You simply align this center
finding ruler so that the samemeasure-
ment appears on both sides of the zero
mark. These rigid stainless steel rules
make the job of finding the center of
any piece of wood very easy. The zero
is in the middle with scales in 1/32 “.
These rules have a second scale which
allows them to be used as regular rul-
ers. They are made of stainless steel
with a hard chrome finish. The bottom
of the 12" center finding ruler reads 0”-
12”in 1/16 inch increments.
12” center finding ruler........
24” center finding ruler......
This ruler will become your "go to" tool in your work-
shop! Select the proper slot or hole, insert a .5mm
mechanical pencil, and mark the measurement with
dead-on accuracy! This rule offers Incra's patented
marking holes at every 1/16 and 1/32 inch. Available
in 6", 12" & 18" Lengths.
6” INCRA® marking rule ..............................
12” INCRA® marking rule............................
18” INCRA® marking rule............................
INCRA Bend Rules make dual-surface layouts a snap
using the corner slots shown above. The INCRA
Bend Rule is precisely what you need for layout and
measurement along the edge of a board or other
workpiece. We've put micro-fine marking holes at
every scale line to instantly locate your sharp pencil
point or scribe exactly on target with zero uncertainty
and no eye strain! The 90° shape holds it snugly in
place while the two scale surfaces let you mark and
measure on the top, edge and corners simultaneously!
There are even two vertical end scales for drawing pre-
cision parallel lines relative to the edge of your work.
6” INCRA® bend rule.....................................
12” INCRA® bend rule ..................................
18” INCRA® bend rule ..................................
Easily and accurately find your center mark with the
INCRA 12" centering rule. Ultra thin for ultra precision.
The INCRA 12" Centering Rule also offers protractor
guide slots and precisionmarking holes at every 1/32"
for the length of the rule. This gives great accuracy
when trying to locate exact center on your project.
Find the exact center of any workpiece up to 12" wide.
In addition to top and bottom micro-fine marking
holes at every 1/32" it also has a built-in protractor
with guide slots at every 45°, 30°, 22.5°, and 5° interval.
Made from flexible steel for durablility and every day
12” INCRA® center rule................................
INCRA T-Rules make it very easy to draw exact lines in
either direction. Select the proper slot or hole, insert
a .5mm mechanical pencil
(sold separately)
, and mark
the measurement with dead-on accuracy. Micro-fine
guide holes and slots at every 1/16", 1/32" and 1/64"
scale position instantly locate your sharp pencil or
scribe at the exact measurement with zero uncertain-
ty and no eye strain! Our T-Rules even offer marking
holes every 1/100". This is unmatched in the industry.
6” INCRA® T-rule.............................................
12” INCRA® T-rule ..........................................
18” INCRA® T-rule ..........................................
Perfect measurements every-time! This stainless steel
hook rule simply catches on the end of a board to
give you exact and precise measurements. Perfect for
measuring off the end or the edge of a board.
12”adjustable hook ruler
18”adjustable hook ruler
Incra® Pocket Rule
INCRA Marking Rules have the most precise marking
system available. Each .5mm hole or slot lets your
Incra .5mm pencil mark the work perfectly without
worry of parallax or angle slip. With the pencil in a
marking hole, slide along any edge to draw perfectly
placed horizontal lines. And of course, the age old is-
sue of bending a mark accurately from one side to the
other is now a piece of cake with the Incra Bend Rule.
1 each of the following are included: bend rule, mark-
ing rule and T-rule. As an extra bonus the 5mm INCRA
pencil also included. Includes pencil.
6” INCRA® precision rule set......................
12” INCRA® precision rule set ...................
18” INCRA® precision rule set .................
INCRA has reinvented the protractor by putting extra
long guide slots at every 45°, 30°, 22.5°, 5°, 1° and 0.5°
interval to plot any angle with ease and absolute ac-
curacy. If you take a few seconds to remove the T-bar
you will also have an excellent 6" rule with micro-fine
marking holes at every 1/32". Pencil included.
INCRA® protractor ........................................
The Bend rule,
Marking rule
and T-rule all
in this conve-
nient set
The protractor
Great for
board thick-
ness, depth
& inside
Pencil NOT included
Pencil NOT included
Pencil NOT included
Pencil NOT included