Unleash you creativity using one of woodworking's most user-friendly machines -
the scroll saw. Easy to operate, the scroll saw can cut a variety of materials -
wood, steel, brass, fabric, paper, stone, even glass - and master craftsman John
Burke demonstrates all of the techniques you'll need to create simple and
imaginative craft items.
The Scroll Saw: A Beginner's Guide takes viewers step-by-step from beginning to
end of several projects that illustrate the tool's versatility - from shaping
wood to creating personalized greetings cards. You'll learn how to transfer
patterns and chose appropriate blades, as well as master cutting and finishing
techniques. This video is perfect for craftsmen new to the scroll saw and its
many capabilities.
Projects include:
- A simple beginner's animal-shaped puzzle
- Decorative piercing
- Small locking box
- Child's name